
Der vergangene Samstag war ein richtig schöner Tag mit angenehmen Temperaturen. Also sind Anke und ich mal wieder mit unseren Kameras losgezogen und durch die Stadt gelaufen. Dabei ist mir diese Stelle ins Auge gestochen. Das wirkt wie direkt vom Reißbrett der Architekten aufgebaut, mit exakten Bögen, Winkeln und Sichtachsen. Modern, aber auch irgendwie steril.

Last Saturday was a really nice day with pleasant temperatures. So Anke and I once again went out with our cameras and walked through the city. This place caught my eye. It looks like it was built directly from the architect’s drawing board, with exact arches, angles and sightlines. Modern, but also somehow sterile.

Street Shadows

My family, boyfriend, and I went to Santa Cruz for the day just to get away. The weather was beautiful and it was very busy all around—I think everyone had the same idea. While walking, I saw this really cool tree shadow on the wall and snapped a quick pic. I also like the old pay phone on the wall right below it. Enjoy!