Street Shadows

My family, boyfriend, and I went to Santa Cruz for the day just to get away. The weather was beautiful and it was very busy all around—I think everyone had the same idea. While walking, I saw this really cool tree shadow on the wall and snapped a quick pic. I also like the old pay phone on the wall right below it. Enjoy!


Seit 2009 begrüßt die grasende weiße Giraffe der Künstlerin Sina Heffner die Besucher Wolfsburgs. Sie steht unweit von Theater, Planetarium und Kunstmuseum am Rande einer Hauptstraße. Ich habe mich heute auch mal künstlerisch betätigt und in der zweiten Version des Bildes die Farben verschoben.

Since 2009, the grazing white giraffe by artist Sina Heffner has greeted visitors to Wolfsburg. It stands not far from the theater, planetarium and art museum on the edge of a main street. Today I have also been artistically active and shifted the colors in the second version of the picture.