
I went to the coast a couple of day ago. I was hoping for some crashing waves since it was supposed to be high tide with 3-5 foot swells. Last time I’ll trust a surfers website. Instead the sea was remarkably calm. Be that as it may, not a bad place to spend a few hours.

Ich bin vor ein paar Tagen an die Küste gegangen. Ich hatte auf ein paar Wellen gehofft, da es Flut mit 3-5 Fuß Wellen sein sollte. Letztes Mal werde ich einer Surfer-Website vertrauen. Stattdessen war das Meer bemerkenswert ruhig. Wie dem auch sei, kein schlechter Ort, um ein paar Stunden zu verbringen.


Diesen alten Drahtesel, der sicher schon bessere Zeiten gesehen hat, habe ich in Wismar entdeckt. Ich konnte mich aber nicht entscheiden, ob mir ein Farb- oder ein Schwarz-Weiß-Foto besser gefällt. Also habe ich die Beiden kombiniert.
I discovered this old bike, which has certainly seen better times, in Wismar. But I could not decide whether I like a colour or a black and white photo better. So I combined the two.

Moon Over Half Dome

My friend Val and I were on our way back to Yosemite Valley after a day in the high country when we came around a bend in the road and came face to face with this beautiful sight. We pulled over, grabbed our cameras and tripods and rushed to set up before it got too late to shoot. We were able to get a few shots off before it got too dark. Stay safe and stay healthy.

Searching for the Comet Neowise

Yesterday was the day where the Comet Neowise was closest to the earth. My wife and I decided to look for the comet on a lonely country road. Looking at my star tracker on my cell phone I thought this was the perfect place. I decided to use my 14mm super wide angle lens to compose the shot. The sun had disappeared behind the mountains and the moon had risen. The comet revealed himself pretty weak on the right hand side of the image.
