Some street photography of people walking their dogs
Category: People
Birds in the street
In the streets of Rotterdam
Rush Hour
9 years ago traffic in the center of Pnom Penh in Cambodia was mainly scooters and motorcycles. The proud owners manage the traffic with excited recklessness. The rule of a maximum of 2 on a motorcycle does not apply here . Helmets are the exception and only for the driver. Some examples…..
… for music
Eine musikalische Familie
Diese musikalische Familie tritt in ihrer Freizeit unter dem Namen “Bene vobis” auf Mittelaltermärkten auf.
This musical family performs in their spare time under the name “Bene vobis” at medieval fairs.
Vergangenes Wochenende feierte Schöningen, die älteste Stadt unserer Region, den 1275. Stadtgeburtstag mit einem großen Mittelalter-Spektakel. Viele Besucher kamen kostümiert, so wie dieser Pirat.
Last weekend Schöningen, the oldest town in our region, celebrated its 1275th birthday with a big medieval spectacle. Many visitors came in costume, like this pirate.