Merced River

Photos are meant to be shared
This is a fun project. Fill a balloon with water and pop it. I used two flashes, one to illuminate my hand and the other from behind to illuminate the water. Have fun!
This is my first attempt at using a lensball and I am hooked! This image of aspen trees was taken near Arizona Snowbowl (yes, you can ski in Arizona). The most important thing I learned was not to use a lensball in the sun as it can start a fire very quickly.
I feel like a lot of my posts happen to be cat images, but I just love to photograph all my animals and see how their personalities shine through the photo. I especially love the blur of the grass in this photo, as it has a beautiful watercolor appearance. Enjoy!
I went to Yosemite the other day. To say the least the air quality was poor, and once again (see my last weeks post) had an effect on my photography. This is the sun setting next to one of the Three Brothers. Taken about 4:45 in the afternoon. Even at that it was a day in Yosemite and that can’t be all bad. I also saw a bear but only had my cell phone with me. The only time during the whole day I wasn’t carrying my camera.
Ich war neulich in Yosemite. Um es gelinde auszudrücken, die Luftqualität war schlecht und wirkte sich erneut (siehe meinen Beitrag in den letzten Wochen) auf meine Fotografie aus. Dies ist der Sonnenuntergang neben einem der drei Brüder. Aufgenommen um 4:45 Uhr nachmittags. Selbst dann war es ein Tag in Yosemite und das kann nicht alles schlecht sein. Ich sah auch einen Bären, hatte aber nur mein Handy dabei. Das einzige Mal während des ganzen Tages trug ich meine Kamera nicht.
Currently many photographers are chasing Fall colors in California. I found some great dogwood colors at Calaveras State Park in Central California. The large Sequoia trees work great as a backdrop.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!