This bark is interesting! Look at the dark areas. They look like canyons to me and draw attention.
Enjoy and keep on working on your images
Photos are meant to be shared
Photographing “bark” is an exercise that I love to go back to. Some of you might have done it in the past and for some it will be the first time. You will learn so much about structure and light. I challenge you to do this exercise during different times of the day and notice how different light creates different images. As always be passionate about your photography and have some fun with your camera.
I decided to go closer this time and I also decided to create only landscape images so I will be able to compose a collage at the end of this exercise.
Enjoy and keep on photographing!
This week I challenge you to go out and photograph an engine. You can pick a car, truck, train, boat etc. As always, have a fun and grow in your photography with this assignment.
I discovered this beautiful steam engine in historic old town Sacramento. Since I love monochrome images I converted this original color image into black and white.