Wildflowers Carrizo Plains

The contrast of yellow and purple blossoms is breathtaking at Carrizo Plains located about 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles. There are no trees growing on these hills due to the very low precipitation. If there is some rain falling during the winter month the wildflowers are coming out in full bloom.

Enjoy the image and keep on photographing!

PS: During the First Full week in April all seven photographers will present there best images of Spring flowers on this blog. I am looking forward to it.

Living Text

Last month I had the pleasure to join a workshop run by professional photographer and author Jamari Lior. As a keen lover of good literature, Jamari had the idea of visualizing how meaningful text can literally creep under your skin. I’m grateful to both Jamari and the patient model for getting this photo taken.

Feel free to discover more of Jamari’s amazing body of work at www.jamari-lior.com .

Candles, Columbia State Park

Friedhelm and I went to Columbia State Park last Saturday. It’s an old gold rush town that has a very active commercial presence. Some of the other times I’ve gone there, during the week, there were fewer people and demonstrations going on. This time a candle maker caught my eye.

Friedhelm und ich waren letzten Samstag im Columbia State Park. Es ist eine alte Goldgräberstadt, die eine sehr aktive kommerzielle Präsenz hat. Andere Male bin ich während der Woche dort gewesen, es gibt weniger Leute und Demonstrationen. Diesmal fiel mir ein Kerzenhersteller auf.


Seit der Antike gelten Gänse als gute Wachtiere. Diese beiden Schlafmützen wissen davon offensichtlich nichts. Sie schlummern friedlich in der Frühlingssonne, ohne sich um so etwas Komisches wie Fotografen zu kümmern.

Since ancient times geese have been considered good guardians. These two sleepyheads obviously don’t know anything about it. They slumber peacefully in the spring sun without worrying about anything as funny as photographers.