More Spring Flowers

The foothills of the Sierra Nevada are a parade of constantly changing colors in the spring. Many of them are blatantly beautiful with vibrant colors, while others are smaller and more subdued but equally beautiful. And the variety changes from year to year so it is always fun to see what is going to pop up this year. Hope you are enjoying your spring. Stay healthy.


Spring in this area changes from year to year, depending on our winter weather. Every year there seems to be a predominate flower in different areas. In this particular area the “popcorn” flower was predominate which I am sure will be followed by a more colorful array once these are done. The fields were white for miles and miles. It was gorgeous. Stay healthy.


When thoughts turn to majestic birds, the Osprey usually doesn’t come to mind. Almost as large as a Bald Eagle, it is a striking bird, especially when flying with its coloring. Dark on top with a white body and wings on the bottom that taper from white to dark wingtips and a head that is primarily white with bold black strips. It is a fish raptor and lives and nests near bodies of water including lakes at high elevations, and the northern and central pacific coast. This picture was taken at at about 8000 ft in the Sierra Nevada. Enjoy your day!!!!!!