Super Blue Moon

All The hype about the Super Blue Moon got me curious so I went out to check it out. And it did live up to the hype. A Blue Moon, also known as a Harvest Moon happens when there are two full moons within the same month. A super moon happens when the moon is closest to earth which only happens 3 or 4 times a year. So having both occur at the same time is pretty special and it was indeed beautiful.

Spring is Coming

We have had a very harsh and long winter and some of the people living around me have been waiting anxiously for signs of spring, and it looks like it is actually going to happen. This little male house finch visited my back yard yesterday and stopped to rest on a newly leafed-out plant. The respite from the rain and snow is brief but a welcome change. Stay healthy everyone!

Grey Fox

I am happy that we live in an area that supports wildlife. Grey foxes will visit us periodically to check on our mouse population, and I must say they do a very good job. Foxes do not bother domestic animals or people. They are very shy and feed primarily on small rodents, wild berries, seeds, vegetables and fruits. When the foxes are around my mouse and rat population population drops. I welcome them setting up residence close by.

White-breasted Nuthatch

The White-Breasted Nut Hatch. A busy little bird I see everywhere in my yard but mostly climbing up and down the sides of buildings, trees and fences, checking under eaves and in cracks and corners for spiders and other tasty morsels. They are fun to watch because they are so acrobatic. I only see them in the late fall and early winter in our area. Stay safe in this dangerous weather we are currently experiencing.


I watched this young bobcat disappear behind a large rock formation and then later saw him exiting on the front side from this cave where he had probably taken a nap. He stopped, stretched and sniffed around a bit before moving on. They are such beautiful animals. Have a wonderful weekend and stay healthy.

Road Runner

My good friend and photo partner and I decided to try and find some interesting things to photograph. This road runner caught our eye as we were sitting outside eating our lunch. True to his name this little guy was headed up a boulder filled hillside full-speed ahead. Seeing this guy really tickled me since they are scarce in our area, and they move very quickly and are generally too far away to photograph. We were at a local lake that was probably down to one quarter of its total water capacity. It is so sad to see this and it is also obvious that it has impacted the wildlife there since we saw none of what we usually see. Even fishermen were scarce. Pray for snow and rain. Stay healthy my friends and enjoy your weekend.