Fall Colors 01

This week I ask you to change and think primarely in colors. In the northern hemnisphere Fall is most likely on the peak and there are beautiful images to be taken. I ask you to look for beautiful and contrasty colors and I recomment not ot forget the background. It is best to shoot with an open lens to blurr the background. As always, don’t forget to have some fun!


I photographed these leaves at the botanical garden at Tilden park just outside Berkeley, CA. The sign said Hollyleaf Barberry. I don’t know if that is true, but when I photograph in a botanical garden I always take a shot of the sign so I know what kind of plant I photograph.

I took several exposure with my 50mm prime lens. I decided f4 gave me the overall best bokeh that I was looking for.

Enjoy and keep on photographing!

Fall in black and white 01

The Idea for this weeks exercise came from Peggy Hoppes, a writer and artist from Texas. Go out and photograph “Fall” in black and white. Normally I go out look for beautiful colors and photograph them. Peggy suggest to do the un-usual and that’s what I like. She wrote, Photographing is black and white “Forces you to look for contrast, to be more aware of shadows and highlights. It is also good practice for composition.”


I started out looking for images in mother nature and did a few try-out shots. I like this one because of the high contrast. Enjoy and keep on photographing!