Scans from negative films

Before 2003 I took most pictures as slides, only few as color or black and white negatives. Scanning the slides is tricky and even with a good scanner it takes a lot of time and the result is not always good. For the first time I now have sent a negative film away for scanning and I am quite surprised, since the quality is almost better than what this same lab produces from slide films. Here are a couple of examples.

The pictures are taken in the Chiloe archipelago in Chile. Transport between the islands was with little wooden boats like this one. But also most of the houses are built from wood, clad with shingles. The wood is from the alerce andino, huge trees like the north american Sequoia. On the islands there are none of these trees left.
Only one of the films was a negative film. I used it as a test since the camera had been broken after it got drenched in one of the frequent torrential downpours.

I have written a story about Chiloe in my blog:

As a comparison, all the photos in the blog are scanned from slides

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