The mission for this week, should you accept, is to go on your exercise walk with your camera and a watch (cell phone). Take only one lens with you! Before you start set your timer to 2 minutes the first day, 2 1/2 minutes the second day etc. When the first two minutes are up take a 360degree look through your viewfinder and take one shot. Them walk the next two minutes and take the second shot. Repeat this procedure through your entire walk. At the end of your walk you will have a collection of images that you would normally not taken. This is exactly the idea of this exercise. It forces you to see your world with new eyes and photograph at places that you normally overlook.
I did my first walk on Saturday. I took a 50mm prime lens and stopped every two minutes for one shot. My plan for later this day is to take my 85mm portrait lens and stop at every 2 1/2 minutes. I am already curious what I will get.