Flowers 06

Sometimes it feels that a week is not enough to photograph on a certain subject. If one wants to get good at almost anything in life one has constantly improve and practice, practice, practice. Therefor I would like to shoot flowers for a second week. If nothing is blooming in your neighborhood go out and purchase a few flowers and again practice, practice practice.


I photographed this group of flowers in Carmel, CA yesterday. I loved the red brick side-walk and used it as a background. In order to blur the background I opened the lens up to f2.8. I also underexposed the image purposely. In post production I refined my digital image using a relatively high contrast in the high key colors (white) and a softer color rendition in the low key colors. Take a close look at the white tones how the higher contrast brings out the detail in the flower.

Enjoy and keep on photographing! 

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