Sexy Back

The “Nürnberger Bratwurst” is one of the culinary specialities in town. 3 of these sausages in a roll are sold in numerous stalls in the old town. Each has about the length of a middle finger and is not thicker than the key hole of the lock to the town’s medieval prison. While customers wait to be served, a homeless man has to collect enough change to be able to buy one.

Gazing through the Glass Ball

Playing with glass ball week! Well, that’s a first one for me. On the onset my thoughts were that gazing through and with a glass ball must be quite limiting. But then, I read about it, looked at a good number of photos and was finally surprised to realize that there are a multitude of possibilities to capture the world around us, without limitations or lack of creative adventures. An eye opener!

  1. Seeing the world from my Rogge Mountain Ranch

Glass Ball Play a la Pep Ventosa… kinda

Sunset at the Rogge Mountain Ranch

Floating Glass Balls

I went online and bought some 1″ glass balls and plexiglass. Built a little holder and had the idea of multiple images through several glass balls. Then I got the idea of floating glass balls. ‘Easy’ I said to myself, I’ll just clone out the shelf in photoshop. I see it done all the time on facebook. I would give myself a C- on this attempt. Please don’t look too close, this took me a long time with poor results.

Ich ging online und kaufte ein paar 1″ Glaskugeln und Plexiglas. Baute einen kleinen Halter und hatte die Idee von mehreren Bildern durch mehrere Glaskugeln. Dann kam mir die Idee von schwebenden Glaskugeln. ‘Einfach’ sagte ich mir, ich werde klonen Sie einfach das Regal in Photoshop aus. Ich sehe es die ganze Zeit auf Facebook. Ich würde mir bei diesem Versuch ein C- geben. Bitte nicht zu genau hinschauen, das hat lange gedauert, mit schlechten Ergebnissen.

Here’s my set up.


Mit Glaskugeln, Spiegeln und Prismen kann man herrlich spielen. Immer wieder entstehen neue Effekte, je nach Beleuchtung und Blickwinkel. Auf jeden Fall eine schöne Beschäftigung für verregnete Nachmittage.
You can play wonderfully with glass balls, mirrors and prisms. New effects are created again and again, depending on the lighting and angle of view. In any case, a nice activity for rainy afternoons.


Auch für mich war dieses Thema eine Herausforderung. So bin ich zwischen den Jahren losgezogen und habe es einfach ausprobiert. Und es hat mir Spaß gemacht! Ich werde in Zukunft sicher öfter mal eine Glaskugel mitnehmen.
This topic was also a challenge for me. So I went out between the years and just tried it out. And it was fun for me! I will certainly take a glass ball with me more often in the future.