Spring is Coming

We have had a very harsh and long winter and some of the people living around me have been waiting anxiously for signs of spring, and it looks like it is actually going to happen. This little male house finch visited my back yard yesterday and stopped to rest on a newly leafed-out plant. The respite from the rain and snow is brief but a welcome change. Stay healthy everyone!

Steel Wool Burning

I saw this on Facebook and had to try it for myself. Steel burning?? Turns out it’s a rapid oxidation of the fine steel threads. Who knew, I didn’t.

Ich habe das auf Facebook gesehen und musste es selbst ausprobieren. Stahl brennt?? Es stellt sich heraus, dass es sich um eine schnelle Oxidation der feinen Stahlfäden handelt. Wer weiß, ich nicht.


Auch wenn die Ufer der Aller noch im winterlichen grau-braun erscheinen, stecken diese beiden Schwanenhähne schon mal ihr Revier für die neue Brutsaison ab. Mit großer Welle versucht man den Nachbarn zu beeindrucken, um dann doch friedlich an der Reviergrenze zu patrouillieren. Der eine links, der ander rechts.

Even if the banks of the Aller still appear in the wintry gray-brown, these two swan cocks already mark out their territory for the new breeding season. With a big wave they try to impress the neighbor, only to patrol peacefully at the territorial border. One on the left, the other on the right.

Hommage to Walker Evans

The American photographer Walker Evans became famous for his work with the farm security authority during the great depression and for portraying the industrial neighborhoods around the steel and mining industry in Alabama, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Since he worked for the government many of his photos became part of the public domain and everybody can download and use them for free. Correspondingly large is the number of artists who use it for their own projects. Museum Helmond presents a juxtaposition of Evans’ photographs with works inspired by them.

Here is one of my attempts: nature takes it all back

Geese foraging in a pond created by the demolition of part of a chemical plant in Delft