Crater Lake in Oregon

About 7700 years ago, the volcano Mt Mazama exploded, leaving a nearly 1km deep caldera that over time filled with water, creating so the Crater Lake. Today the Lake is at near 2000m of elevation. It is estimated that Mt Mazama reached over 4000m in elevation before it erupted.



Crater Lake

Wizard Island, one of the two volcanic cones that formed over time. The other cone is hidden underneath the surface.

Looking from the West Rim farther towards the Northwest, we can enjoy those beautiful mountain meadows.

Dragon Fly and Wings

While on my exercise walk the other day I spotted this deceased Dragon Fly and proceeded to walk home carefully carrying it in my hand. I especially liked the delicacy of the wings.

Als ich neulich auf meinem Übungsspaziergang war, entdeckte ich diese verstorbene Libelle und ging vorsichtig mit ihr in der Hand nach Hause. Besonders gut hat mir die Feinheit der Flügel gefallen.

Üppige Ernte

Zugegeben, dieser Garten wirkt auf den ersten Blick etwas verwildert. Aber der Eindruck täuscht. Die Hochbeete sind prall voll mit Früchten, Kräutern und Gemüse. Eine ganz interessante Anbaumethode übrigens, die selbst auf Hochhausdächern funktioniert.

Admittedly, this garden looks a bit overgrown at first glance. But the impression is deceptive. The raised beds are bursting with fruits, herbs and vegetables. A very interesting method of cultivation, by the way, which even works on the roofs of high-rise buildings.