
Having little music talent and I haven’t been to a concert in quite a while I dropped by the Gottschalk Music Center in Merced and they were kind enough to let me wander and take a few photos.

Da ich wenig musikalisches Talent hatte und schon eine ganze Weile nicht mehr auf einem Konzert war, schaute ich beim Gottschalk Music Center in Merced vorbei und sie waren so freundlich, mich herumlaufen und ein paar Fotos machen zu lassen.

Making Music – Playing Conga Drums

“Music” is quite difficult to photograph since you can’t see it. Therefore I wanted as much as possible a blurry picture. When you listen to music time passes so I decided on motion blur. Then I experimented with the exposure time. I had the camera mounted on a tripod and settled for 1/10 of a second. Next consideration was the light source. I experimented with a video light and two light wands. I used purple light on one of the wands to create a contrast between hands and body. Finally I converted the image to black and white. Again the idea was to take away as much as possible visual elements. Enjoy!

About traveling

…and again about very special travelers. Today about the very special music – the reason for the Turbojugend sailors to visit Hamburg in late summers.

For me, this concert by the group “Hot for Death Punk” was a real challenge. One hand for the camera, the other for the crowd surfers while standing as stable as possible in the crowd. I didn’t notice when my glasses were knocked off my face. Later, after the concert and with a new pair of glasses from the drugstore, I found them again, undamaged. This concert was a blast!

Musikalisches Kontrastprogramm

Ein kleiner musikalischer Querschnitt zu unserem Thema “Musik” in Bildern: angefangen von Pop-Rock aus Italien mit Daiana Lou, über die mitreißende argentinischen Gruppe Super Cumbria, bis hin zu mittelalterlichen Klängen der Gruppe Klanginferno. Ich habe versucht, den Bildstil der jeweiligen Musik anzupassen.

A small musical cross-section on our theme of “music” in pictures: starting with pop rock from Italy with Daiana Lou, through the rousing Argentine group Super Cumbria, to medieval sounds of the group Klanginferno. I tried to adapt the picture style to the respective music.