
Photos purposefully using shadows, literally or implied, allow to make up a bunch of stories:

  1. By my Shadow….

2. Only through the Shadow can you see… Sunlight being reflected by a window, becoming part of the photo, except where my shadow opens a path through the window and depicts the interior of the room. The photo was taken in Bodie, the ghost town. Gunslinger Fred is taking aim…

3. After the Shoot-Out, only the Shadow of past memories appear….

4. Living in the Shadows … “Behave” and accept your destiny in a marginalizing society where BORN RICH and HAVING is EVERYTHING.


I decided to take a little different angle on shadows and went back about 60 years to my childhood. Shadow puppets, easy peasy, right. Nope. First the bulb on the projector I hadn’t used for about 40 years burned out after the first few shots, then it took me forever (it seemed) to get the flash and sync to work. In the end it was actually kinda fun. Now do I try and find a bulb for a 40 year old projector, I do have a lot of old slides.

Ich beschloss, die Schatten aus einem etwas anderen Blickwinkel zu betrachten und ging etwa 60 Jahre zurück in meine Kindheit. Schattenpuppen, easy peasy, richtig. Nein. Zuerst brannte die Glühbirne des Projektors, den ich etwa 40 Jahre lang nicht benutzt hatte, nach den ersten paar Aufnahmen durch, dann dauerte es scheinbar ewig, bis der Blitz und die Synchronisierung funktionierten. Im Endeffekt hat es wirklich Spaß gemacht. Jetzt versuche ich, eine Glühbirne für einen 40 Jahre alten Projektor zu finden, ich habe viele alte Dias.


My contribution for the topic of the month is a bus shelter. A homeless guy in Vienna has set up his home in the shelter. He sleeps on the bench. His belongings are in the plastic bags. His shoes are neatly set down close to his head.

Note also the text on the commercials. The one above the sleeper “Immer für sie da” (“Always ready to serve you”) is by a Vienna taxi company. I doubt that he will ever be able to use it. The line below the lovely female face outside the shelter reads “Kein “Weiter wie bisher” (“No , “Continue as before”)