
Diese originell gestaltete Kopfweide habe ich in der Nähe von Kloster Mariental in einem Vorgarten entdeckt. Die Bewohner des Hauses scheinen große Harry Potter Fans zu sein. Der Hut erinnert doch sehr stark an den sprechenden Hut von Hogwarts.
I discovered this originally designed pollarded willow near Mariental Monastery in a front yard. The residents of the house seem to be big Harry Potter fans. The hat is very reminiscent of the talking hat at Hogwarts.


Dieses Foto habe ich gestern gemacht. Und ich weiß ganz genau: Vor zwei Jahren war dieses Fleckchen Erde noch ein dichter Fichtenwald. Trockenheit, Borkenkäfer und Stürme haben deutliche Spuren hinterlassen.
I took this photo yesterday. And I know exactly: Two years ago, this patch of earth was still a dense spruce forest. Drought, bark beetles and storms have left clear traces.


This is the first picture for me to post here and for a while I have pondered about which one. Well, it is the time of Corona and also, last week, it was international women’s day. At least in the country where I live, wearing a mask as a measure against Corona seems to be a big issue and an attack against the holy grail of freedom. In Oman, wearing a mask for women in the countryside is common. They come in various sizes and shapes and there are variations in how much they cover. This one is the medium version. Taking pictures is difficult, but the huge animal market in the town of Nizwa gives the right opportunities

A couple of new pets….

Inside? Outside?

There’s a lot going on with this image. It’s a reflection on one of the Awhahnee Hotel windows. You see interior and exterior, and then there’s that guy with a camera. I really liked how the interior stairs seem to lead up to the outside tree. And a little snow doesn’t hurt.

Mit diesem Bild ist viel los. Es ist eine Reflexion an einem der Fenster des Awhahnee Hotels. Sie sehen innen und außen, und dann ist da noch der Typ mit der Kamera. Mir hat sehr gut gefallen, wie die Innentreppe zum Außenbaum zu führen scheint. Und ein bisschen Schnee tut nicht weh.