When returning home from town late in the afternoon the other day we were startled by this uniquely beautiful sight on our driveway! We had not had any rain, just low clouds all day so I was not expecting to see a rainbow, especially one that looked like this. Unfortunately I didn’t have a wider angle lens with me so I could capture the whole rainbow. I loved that the colors inside the rainbow took on that same hue as the band while outside of the rainbow the colors remained flat. Enjoy your day and stay healthy

Alte Villa

Das ist die ehemalige Villa Züchner in Bad Lauterberg im Harz. Sie wurde Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts erbaut und von der Fabrikantenfamilie Züchner als Sommerresidenz genutzt. Nach Sanierung und Umbau entstanden mehrere Appartements für Patienten der benachbarten Kirchberg Klinik. Mich hat das Gebäude aber auch irgendwie an Alfred Hitchcocks Thriller “Psycho” aus dem Jahr 1960 erinnert. Ein Grund dafür das Bild in SW zu machen.
This is the former Villa Züchner in Bad Lauterberg in the Harz Mountains. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century and used as a summer residence by the Züchner family of factory owners. After renovation and reconstruction, several apartments were built for patients of the neighboring Kirchberg Clinic. But the building also reminded me somehow of Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller “Psycho” from 1960. A reason to make the picture in black and white.