Rain Drops

Our challenge this week was pictures of rain. Not an easy subject anymore because there just isn’t much of it around! I tend to shoot flora and fauna. Some of my favorite subjects. But anything looks pretty when covered in raindrops.This particular wildflower is a Clarkia, and there are several different varieties that bloom in our area of the mountains. Have a wonderful weekend and stay healthy and pray for rain or snow!


Having had bad experiences with water and my camera equipment I shy away from photographing where moisture is concerned. I was lucky to see this leaf just after a downpour in December.

Nach schlechten Erfahrungen mit Wasser und meiner Kameraausrüstung scheue ich mich davor, bei Feuchtigkeit zu fotografieren. Ich hatte das Glück, dieses Blatt kurz nach einem Regenguss im Dezember zu sehen.

Rainy Cologne Carnival 2021

Due to Corona last year’s Cologne Carnival happened without the usual big parade which normally attracts some 1 million spectators. There were only a view disguised and (medically) masked people around the Cathedral, like this lonely photographer, who on top had to accept the dull atmosphere of cold rain. Luckily, he was willing to act as a model instead of capturing the non-existing carnival activities.