Hiking along the North Fork of the Merced River

Today, with fellow photographers, I finally could hike the North Fork of the Merced River. Everything reminds as the of the Wild West, a dozen or so gold mines hidden away, old railroad path, leftover hydropower plant, pipes, sun bleached power poles, rough landscape, rocks, canyons, multiple waterfall typically with a beautiful pool following, and plenty of wonderful flowers in bloom. More about the Wild West Past to follow. Enjoy!

Stumps, Lake Shastina

Lake Shastina is a recreational lake in Northern California. The drought has lowered the lake level which will hopefully recover from the spring thaw on Mt. Shasta and surrounding area. Being a recreational lake you might want to think twice about using that rope swing (upper-left-center) knowing there are stumps like these in the water.

Lake Shastina ist ein Erholungssee in Nordkalifornien. Die Dürre hat den Seespiegel gesenkt, der sich hoffentlich vom Tauwetter im Frühjahr auf Mt. Shasta und Umgebung erholen wird. Da es sich um einen Freizeitsee handelt, sollten Sie es sich vielleicht zweimal überlegen, diese Seilschaukel (oben links in der Mitte) zu verwenden, da Sie wissen, dass es im Wasser Stümpfe wie diese gibt.


Anke und ich waren am vergangenen Sonntag nach längerer Zeit mal wieder in Wolfenbüttel unterwegs. Sie hatte ja gestern die Marienkirche schon von außen gezeigt, also dachte ich, dann zeige ich heute mal ein paar Bilder aus dem Inneren.
Anke and I were last Sunday after a long time again in Wolfenbüttel on the road. She had already shown the outside of St. Mary’s Church yesterday, so I thought, then I’ll show a few pictures from the inside today.


Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam each have a photo museum. I saw “the world according to Roger Ballen” in the one in The Hague. Roger Ballen is an American photographic artist based in South Africa. His photos are surreal artwork, but he also combines them with sculptures, paintings and videos. This photo has nothing in common with what he does….. but it was taken in the cafe of the museum