White-breasted Nuthatch

The White-Breasted Nut Hatch. A busy little bird I see everywhere in my yard but mostly climbing up and down the sides of buildings, trees and fences, checking under eaves and in cracks and corners for spiders and other tasty morsels. They are fun to watch because they are so acrobatic. I only see them in the late fall and early winter in our area. Stay safe in this dangerous weather we are currently experiencing.

About traveling

Games people play. When I’m on the road, I’m always happy to meet people who can do without a display at least some of the time.

These two boys are posing for Gilli Danda. The game is played with two sticks: a large one called a danda, which is used to hit a smaller one, the gilli. It bears many similarities to bat and ball games such as cricket and baseball.Gulli danda is an ancient sport, possibly with origins over 2500 years ago.
The rules vary a lot locally – but it’s always fun (especially when a tourist tries his hand at it and punches holes in the air).


Der Besitzer dieses Walnussbaum hat erst mal seinen Baum mit dicker Schrift als “Privat” gekennzeichnet. Deutlich kleiner darunter: Nüsse sammeln verboten! Und noch viel kleiner darunter, handschriftlich: das Kilo 7 €. Ich bezweifele aber, dass er viel verkauft hat, denn der Baum stand direkt an einem öffentlichen Fußweg, auf den die Nüsse fielen.

The owner of this walnut tree first marked his tree as “Private” with thick lettering. Clearly smaller under it: Collecting nuts forbidden! And still much smaller under it, handwritten: the kilo 7 €. I doubt, however, that he sold much, because the tree stood directly on a public footpath, on which the nuts fell.