Im Elfenwald

Am vergangenen Sonntag haben Bernd und ich eine Tour durch den Elm gemacht. Dabei haben wir einen Wanderweg mit vielen uralten Bäumen und kleinen Teichen erkundet, der sich Elfenpfad nennt. Das Ganze war eine ziemlich matschige aber auch spaßige Angelegenheit. Und wir konnten einem kleinen Mädchen auf die Frage: “Habt ihr schon eine Elfe gefunden?”, wahrheitsgemäß antworten:”Ja, haben wir.”
Last Sunday Bernd and I made a tour through the Elm. We explored a hiking trail with many ancient trees and small ponds, which is called Elfenpfad. The whole thing was a pretty muddy but fun affair. And we were able to answer a little girl’s question, “Have you found an elf yet?”, truthfully answering, “Yes, we have.”


The Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca) is native to Africa south of the Sahara and the Nile valley. It was a rarity when I first arrived in the Netherlands more than 30 years ago. I used to see a lonely specimen along the canal when I cycled to work and had pity because it seemed to have no friend. Meanwhile it is included in the list of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern. In the warm winters they have proliferated and there are thousands

Flower Boquet

Over this past weekend, my grandmother had her 84th birthday party, and these were the centerpieces on each table. I took some photos for the event and this is one of the images I captured. I love the color variation and softened edges within the photo. The bokeh in the back makes the roses look a little like a watercolor painting. Hope you enjoy!

Ladels, Manzanar Japanese Relocation Camp

I recently went to the Manzanar Japanese Relocation Camp on the east side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. A real eye opening experience. I had some knowledge but until you actually see it you can’t fully understand what they went through. This is one of the most benign photos I took there.

Ich war kürzlich im Manzanar Japanese Relocation Camp auf der Ostseite der Sierra Nevada. Ein echtes Augenöffner-Erlebnis. Ich hatte ein gewisses Wissen, aber bis Sie es tatsächlich sehen, können Sie nicht vollständig verstehen, was sie durchgemacht haben. Dies ist eines der harmlosesten Fotos, die ich dort gemacht habe.