My Driveway

I can never deny the fact that I love living in the country. This was taken right before we started our summer fire preparation of mowing and weedeating. The sunset that night was beautiful and I never tire of my surroundings. My driveway is a half-mile long and leads to a private road that my neighbors and i share. It is a perfect place to take walks or just sit on a large rock and watch the wildlife. I spend a lot of time behind my camera lens shooting butterflies, dragonfly’s and wildflowers that grow abundantly along it’s length in the spring. It also is a wonderful place to take pictures of the Milky Way, rising full moon and meteor showers. What more could one ask for?


While at the Central Coast I saw a lot of Pelicans fly by. Usually in groups of three. I wondered where they could all be going. I turned a corner to a sheltered part of a cove and got my answer. This is just a small number of those occupying the various trees in the area.

Während ich an der Central Coast war, sah ich viele Pelikane vorbeifliegen. Normalerweise in Dreiergruppen. Ich fragte mich, wohin sie alle gehen könnten. Ich bog um eine Ecke zu einem geschützten Teil einer Bucht und bekam meine Antwort. Dies ist nur eine kleine Anzahl von Personen, die die verschiedenen Bäume in der Gegend besetzen.

Young Rose

I listened to a photographic presentation where the photographer talked about colors and how they influence the viewer. He mentioned that the colors red is very dominant and just a little red in an image makes a significant impact.

I decided to photograph a small red rose in my yard. I waited after sunset and then I used my fiber optic lamp to create this blue background. I wanted blue as a cold color in contrast to the warm red color of the rose.



Ich war gestern in unserer Nachbarstadt Oebisfelde. Dort gibt es ein Ausbesserungswerk für Güterwagen der Bahn. Die drei Waggons im Hintergrund bekommen in den nächsten Tagen sicher auch neue Räder.
I was in our neighbouring town of Oebisfelde yesterday. There is a repair works for railway freight wagons. The three wagons in the background will surely get new wheels in the next days.