About traveling

I post very few typical photos of tourist hotspots. But Halong Bay in Vietnam is just a magical place. In the sunshine, in the rain, in the mist, day and night. Magical. (Photos of my last visit 2019)

My first night there in 2015 is still very present in my mind. The Christmas party was over, I had supplied myself sufficiently with beer from a passing merchant and I sat on my balcony (what luxury) for many hours of the night, listening to the waves and the sounds of the parties on the other boats – until it became completely quiet. One of my most beautiful nights of my life (Sorry Anna, Beate, Christa, Dorothea, Emma, Frieda, Giselle…. Xantippe!).


Seit 2018 steht dieses Einkaufszentrum im Herzen von Braunschweig leer. Ein Gerichtsurteil verhindert bis März 2023 den Abriss und die Schließung, so dass Passanten die Burgpassage noch als Verbindungsweg zwischen zwei Einkaufsstrassen nutzen können. Gelegenheit für Anke und mich dort ein paar Impressionen einzufangen solange das Gebäude noch steht. An seiner Stelle soll es nach den Planungen wieder eine Gasse mit kleinen Läden, Cafés und Wohnhäusern geben. So wie früher.

This shopping center in the heart of Braunschweig has been empty since 2018. A court ruling prevents the demolition and closure until March 2023, so that passers-by can still use the Burgpassage as a connecting route between two shopping streets. Opportunity for Anke and me there to capture a few impressions while the building is still standing. In its place, according to the plans, there should again be an alley with small stores, cafes and residential buildings. Just like in former times.

Dordt in stoom

Every second year the historic Dutch town of Dordrecht celebrates a big steam festival. Steam powered boats, cranes, agricultural machinery, trains and even cars and buses come from places as far away as Germany and England (the latter made much more difficult by Brexit). Other historic gadgets decorate the streets, they even hide the parking meters under fishing nets. Photography is difficult because one of the 250.000 visitors always seems to walk into the frame….

Young Fox

We live next to a piece of property where there are some old uninhabited buildings. This makes a perfect place for some of our local critters to get shelter and raise families. Because we keep water out for our animals, we often have thirsty guests. And some of them get curious and you will see one sitting on a rock or behind a bush watching what we are doing. My son will talk to it and it will cock it’s head and appear to be listening. We don’t mind having them around because they don’t bother domestic animals and are great rodent hunters going after mice, gophers, rats and ground squirrels of which we have plenty. Have a great day and stay healthy!